Wolf-Rayet Star Catalogue
Galactic Wolf Rayet Catalogue
v1.30 (Gaia DR3), 679 WR
stars, Aug 2024
Additions since VII/Annex
1 star from
Mikles et al. (2006, ME06)
15 stars from
Hadfield et al. (2007, HD07)
4 stars from
Kurtev et al. (2007, KB07)
1 star from
Hyodo et al. (2008, HT08)
4 stars from
Messineo et al. (2009, MDI09)
41 stars from
Shara et al. (2009, SM09) .
2 in common with MV09.
12 stars from
Mauerhan et al. (2009, MV09) .
2 in common with SM09.
2 stars from
Liermann et al. (2009 , LHO09) .
1 star from
Gvaramadze et al. (2009, GF09)
3 stars from Mauerhan et al. (2010, MC10)
18 -> 16 stars from
Mauerhan et al. (2010, MM10) . 2 in common
with Annex
3 stars from Mauerhan et al. (2010, MW10)
1 star from Hanson et al. (2010, HKB10)
6 stars from Wachter et al. (2010, WM10) . 1 star in common with MV09. 1 star in
common with SM09. 1 star in common with GV10.
1 star from Gvaramadze et al 2010 (GV10) . In common with WM10.
5 stars from
Roman-Lopes et al. (2011, RBM11) ,
Roman-Lopes (2011a, R11a) ,
Roman-Lopes (2011b, R11b) .
2 stars from Messineo et al. (2011,
MDF11) . 1 star in common with HD07 plus 1 star in common with MDM11.
71 stars from Shara et al.
(2012, SFZ12) . 17 in common with MDM11, plus 1 assumed to be in common with AGK11.
60 stars from Mauerhan et al. (2011, MDM11) . 17 in common with SFZ12, 2 stars in common with SM09,
1 star in common with MWC10, 1 star in common with MDF11.
4 stars from
Davies et al. (2011, DCT11) . 2 stars in common with MDM11, 1 star in common with MV09
1 star from Davies et al. (2012, DFN12) .
1 star from Littlefield et al. (2011, LGM11)
1 star from Rahman et al. (2011, RMM11)
2 stars from Borissova et al. (2012, BGH12)
7 stars from de la Fuente et al. (2012, FND12) (incl alt. classifications by Crowther).
1 star from Roman-Lopes (2012, RL12)
11 stars from Chene et al. (2012, CBB12)
11 -> 7 stars from Smith et al. (2012, SCB12) . 2 stars in common with SFZ12, 1 star
in common with SM09, 1 star in common with MW10.
2 stars from Anderson et al. (2011, AGK11) . 1 star assumed to be in common with SFZ12 (AX J163252-4746 = SFZ 1093-140LB), plus WR121a.
1 star from Roman-Lopez (2013, RL13)
1 star from Marston et al. (2013, MMV13) , 5 in common with R11a, R11b, RBM11.
5 stars from Faherty et al. (2014, FSZ14)
47 stars from Kanarek et al. (2014, KSF14) , plus 3 stars in common with SCB12 plus 1 star in common with HD07.
1 star from Miszalski et al. (2013, Mis13)
1 star from Miszalski & Mikolajewska (2014, MM14)
1 star from MDI09 (GLIMPSE20-6) resolved into two WC stars by de la Fuente et al. (2015, FNT15)
1 star from Chene et al. (2015, CRB15)
WR122 reinstated following Crowther & Smith (1999, CS99) after Mauerhan et al. (2015)
1 star from Messineo et al. (2015, MCF15)
1 star from Nebot Gomez-Moran et al. (2015, NMP15)
1 star from Maiz-Apellaniz et al. (2016, MSA16)
1 star from Roman-Lopes et al. (2016, RFS16) plus two in common with RL12 and RL13
17 stars from Rosslowe & Crowther (2017, RC17) , of which 1 (WR75-30) is in common with KSF14
4 stars from Morello et al. (2018, MMV18)
1 star from Ramirez Alegria et al. (2018, RHR18)
1 star from Callingham et al. (2018, CTP18)
5 stars from Geballe et al. (2019, GLS19) of which 1 (WR102-7) is in common with MM10
1 star from Martins et al. (2019, MCB19)
3 stars from Roman-Lopes, Roman-Zuniga, Ramirez-Preciado et al. (2020, RRR20)
1 star from Zhang, Todt, Wi et al. (2020, ZTW20)
1 star from Silva, Flagey, Noriega-Crespo et al. (2017, SFN17) inadvertently neglected prior to 2023 Morelia WR workshop
1 star from Morgan, Parker, Cohen (2003, MPC03) confirmed as WN instead of [WN] owing to Gaia DR3 parallax (H. Todt, 2023 Morelia WR workshop)
7 stars from Clark, Patrick, Najarro et al. (2021, CPN21) excludes 3 candidate WCLd stars from Table A.1
3 stars from Marin, Massey, Skiff et al. (2024, MSM24)